Recovering shoji in Rockefeller house

December 12 -15, 2007 They said they once made an order for re-covering of shoji to an interior design company in the US, and the company pasted sheets made of glass fiber using instant adhesive.

Recovering shoji in Rockefeller house ギャラリー


They said they once made an order for re-covering of shoji to an interior design company in the US, and the company pasted sheets made of glass fiber using instant adhesive.
20 years has passed since then, and the sheets were in a helpless condition because of the aged glass fiber.
It could also be dangerous to human health because if the sheets were damaged, the glass fiber would float in the air.
After receiving an order for authentic shoji covering using the highest-quality Japanese paper, because the detail dimensions were unclear, we went to the site taking the materials with us and started the work from paper joining.